Lockdown Photography
Easter Hares I hope, under the current circumstances, this finds you all well. I also hope that you are able to still get out and enjoy the natural world either from the comfort of your back garden or during your permitted daily exercise. Amongst some of the positives under lockdown (e.g less pollution), perhaps getting out and learning your local patch stands out as being fairly high on my list, at least from a photography point of view anyway. After a few failed attempts, I've found Hares, Grey Partridge and Little Owl all much closer to home than I ever realised. Within 10 minutes from the village. Most of my photos have been of the Hares: the Little Owls and Partridges have been very wary and distant, but I know where to go looking when restrictions ease! On the topic of restrictions, I want to be clear I haven't been going and sitting for long periods with my camera, rather my camera has merely accompanied me on my walks across the ...