Great Tits and Barrow Hill

Two different subjects here...  Great Tits in the hedgerow and old Steam Engines.  Quite a distance between the two...  I'll start with the Great Tits:

Great Tit through the leaves

I am not sure if he was hiding from me or was just keeping an eye on me
I was sat around the feeders waiting to see who would appear and this pair of Great Tit appeared...  They were incredibly bold!  I have never been so close to a Great Tit that I can remember.  I assume that they wanted the feeders to themselves and weren't prepared to share.  I was quite pleased with the lighting from the side really illuminating the eye.  The DoF is from the leaves on the hedgerow.

The Great Marquess deafening everyone as she sets off
At Barrow Hill, they were just moving around the steam engines so that they could put Tornado onto the front of the carriages but they had to move all the others around in order to get Tornado out.  Grand Marquess set off and steam erupted from the pipes at the front and she vanished!!  Then, it was just possible to see through the steam pall.  I rattled off a load of images until I had to cover my ears...  Incredibly load these beasts!!  I deliberately left the photographers and bystanders in shot to show the scale and the draw that these events have for people.

I hope that you like this slightly varied entry.  From the quiet half hour in the backgarden marvelling at the Great Tits and their boldness to the loud and engineering marvels that Barrrow Hill has to offer.



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