Have you got a New Years Resolution?

For those of you have or haven;t got a New Years Resolution yet, I would urge to help out the local wildlife by placing a feeding station in your back garden.  It's easy and it doesn't have to cost you too much money.  You can buy a cheap feeder and a bag of seed for less than a fiver.  In fact, you can use a upturned bottle with an adapter fitted to the bottom for a feeder - simple and effective.  As long as you remember to clean it out regularly and provide some fresh water, you will be doing a grand job in helping the local birds.

But, I hear you say, what about the other wildlife out there?  What about the insects?  What about the mammals?  What about the amphibians?  Well, there are many ways to help these animals as well.  You could make a small pond specifically designed for freshwater life and for both birds and mammals to drink from.  You could plant flowering plants that flower at different times of the year to help the insects throughout the year - Ivy is great for wildlife, on the whole, for this.

If you think that wildlife shouldn't be given feeding stations to feed from because you don't think that humans should influence nature, what about your house and garden?  You have created an alien habitat for some animals and that, surely, must be a human interfering with wildlife.  Also, if you are worried about Sparrowhawks in your back garden taken advantage of these feeding stations, don't think that it doesn't happen naturally.  At Starling roosts, Sparrowhawks and other birds of prey can be seen hunting through the flock.  It's going to happen everywhere.  At a feeding station or not.

With so many things that you could do, why aren't you doing them?!  It is great to see the wildlife that can visit your garden.  It's great for photography.  It's great for young people to realise that they inhabit this world with other animals.  It's just great, Ok!

Want more information?  Have a look at wildlife friendly gardening books as they have a lot of useful information.

Happy New Year to everyone.


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